Monday, December 31, 2012

Love Construction: End-of-the-Year Project

It's been snowing for days!  Looking out our kitchen window.

Well, here is my obligatory end-of-2012 post.  It goes a little something like this:

I began 2012 as a 2nd year law student living in Columbus, Ohio.  I ended 2012 as the Corporate Environmentalist (official title is Sr. Environmental Engineer...although I am NOT a real engineer) for a multi-billion dollar international company in Akron/Canton, Ohio.  I've had ups and lots of downs.  Happy moments and sad moments. Good and bad.  My family continues to be chaotic, unpredictable, and stressful, but we're healthy and we have fun; that is life as a mother, environmentalist, wife, and student (I'm still in school, just a different program).  So there it is, 2012.

Ok...end of obligatory end-of-2012 post.

Eleven days just came and went - flew by.  Fact: Time goes faster when you're on vacation.  This fact is supported by my own observations of time slowing at about 2 p.m. on a Wednesday afternoon and the last three weeks of a pregnancy.  Fact.
Side note:  The kids and Scott and I are completely off schedule:  Staying up late/sleeping in.  Here are the kids all comfy and cozy in our bed.  Scott and I were forced to sleep on the couch because they wouldn't give up our room.

My time off has been spent finally getting our new house in order.  Enter stage left...Love Construction.  Oh man!  The past few days of a joint painting project have. been. eventful.  Apparently Scott thinks he is some sort of painting master.  An HGTV expert. Me on the other hand, like any project, I do it to get done.  Minor imperfections don't really bother me, while a small drip will nag at Scott relentlessly.  Me, I just move on.  I really do think I'm a fine painter, also supported by facts.  Fact:  We have owned three homes and rented two in the nine years we've lived together.  I have painted 80% of the our walls.  Now, I realize that this does not equal "paint master", but I figure I must be pretty good if I've painted that much.  Fact.

So Scott and I end our mini vacation and 2012 with a few level 3 fights and a possible level 4, BUT our house is really starting to look good and (luckily) we only have a few more walls to paint.  Thank goodness!  Here is to a level-5-free 2013!

                               I stopped painting where I could safely reach.  Hmm...what's wrong with that??


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