It's been an emotional couple of days for me as I sadly said goodbye to a wonderful summer. I know the next three months will be so busy, not leaving much time for relaxation, family, and myself. The kids and I had such a great summer: We spent time at the pool, the zoo, and outside enjoying the weather and our time together. After seeing Jackson off on the bus last Wednesday, I walked in the house and cried. I had no idea it was going to be so hard for me to see him ride off on the bus. The combination of him growing up, riding the bus, and the summer ending, tugged on my emotions. After posting on FB my sadness, I realized that most mothers go through this; one of those things about motherhood that no one tells you.
This semester I am taking Evidence, Constitutional Law and Civil Procedure. Sound boring? Well kind of, but I think I am really going to like Con Law. Think about it: The Constitutiion, written over 200 years ago governs every aspect of our country. Pretty amazing if you ask me.
Jackson has his first football game on Sunday. Should be fun! Aida starts dance next week, maybe singing/music lessons, and then starts preschool after Labor Day. Ivie gets to hang out with me (which she prefers anyway) and is making great progress with her communication and gross motor skills. Scott is doing well too. His job is keeping him very busy, but he is still doing a great job.

Have a great semester! The winter break will be here before you know it. It's getting cooler out already. ;)