Ten years ago today, at 20 years-old, I packed up my things, left my mother at the airport, and flew to St. Louis, Missouri. Awaiting in Missouri was not only my wonderful Aunt Laina, but a new life, new friends, and a new Megan. I had no idea what would be waiting for me. I had no idea who I would become. Moving to Missouri has proven to be one of the best decisions of my life. It's not that I don't love my hometown of Kent or my home state of Ohio, but in order for me to truly realize my own potential and become the woman I am today, I needed Columbia, Missouri.
I lived in Columbia for five years before relocating to South Carolina. While I lived in Missouri, I experienced every possible emotion that our hearts and minds allow us to feel: fear, anger, disappointment, frustration, hurt, confusion, fatigue, and love. I experienced life and grew from an insecure 20 year-old girl, to a woman and most importantly a mother. When I left Missouri, I left with a three week old baby boy who changed the course of my life and the capacity of my heart. I also met so many good friends that I can't even begin to name. Our dysfunctional lives intertwined and created a pseudo-family for all of us displaced souls. Out of those wonderful friends, I also met my future husband. When we met, I was an annoying server/bartender with a crush on the kitchen manager. Our beginning was non-traditional, dramatic, and confusing, but somehow we have emerged ten years later married, with three beautiful and healthy children, and a pretty happy life. Had I not made the unresearched, completely impromptu decision to move to Missouri, I would not have the husband, kids, and life I have now.
My main purpose to move to Columbia, Missouri was to obtain a degree in meteorology. I did it, but not until I suffered (I say suffer because it was an extremely hard program) through four years at the University of Missouri. Although the degree is completely a calculus-based scientific program, its high expectations and rigorous course work has prepared me for my current study of the law.
I am thankful for my courageous decision, at 20 years-old, to move away my family and friends, my hometown, and what I knew to go on an adventure towards the unknown. I had no idea life was waiting for me and had no idea the significance of my decision; ten years later I do. Without Missouri, I would not have continued my education to receive a Master's degree. I would not be enrolled in law school now. I would not have lived in South Carolina and met my wonderful friends there or began my career in the environmental sector.
Ten years ago, I had no idea. Ten years later, I know.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Back to School
Both Jackson and I are back in school. Jackson started last week as a first grader in his new school. I started Monday as a 2L.
It's been an emotional couple of days for me as I sadly said goodbye to a wonderful summer. I know the next three months will be so busy, not leaving much time for relaxation, family, and myself. The kids and I had such a great summer: We spent time at the pool, the zoo, and outside enjoying the weather and our time together. After seeing Jackson off on the bus last Wednesday, I walked in the house and cried. I had no idea it was going to be so hard for me to see him ride off on the bus. The combination of him growing up, riding the bus, and the summer ending, tugged on my emotions. After posting on FB my sadness, I realized that most mothers go through this; one of those things about motherhood that no one tells you.
This semester I am taking Evidence, Constitutional Law and Civil Procedure. Sound boring? Well kind of, but I think I am really going to like Con Law. Think about it: The Constitutiion, written over 200 years ago governs every aspect of our country. Pretty amazing if you ask me.
Jackson has his first football game on Sunday. Should be fun! Aida starts dance next week, maybe singing/music lessons, and then starts preschool after Labor Day. Ivie gets to hang out with me (which she prefers anyway) and is making great progress with her communication and gross motor skills. Scott is doing well too. His job is keeping him very busy, but he is still doing a great job.
It's been an emotional couple of days for me as I sadly said goodbye to a wonderful summer. I know the next three months will be so busy, not leaving much time for relaxation, family, and myself. The kids and I had such a great summer: We spent time at the pool, the zoo, and outside enjoying the weather and our time together. After seeing Jackson off on the bus last Wednesday, I walked in the house and cried. I had no idea it was going to be so hard for me to see him ride off on the bus. The combination of him growing up, riding the bus, and the summer ending, tugged on my emotions. After posting on FB my sadness, I realized that most mothers go through this; one of those things about motherhood that no one tells you.
This semester I am taking Evidence, Constitutional Law and Civil Procedure. Sound boring? Well kind of, but I think I am really going to like Con Law. Think about it: The Constitutiion, written over 200 years ago governs every aspect of our country. Pretty amazing if you ask me.
Jackson has his first football game on Sunday. Should be fun! Aida starts dance next week, maybe singing/music lessons, and then starts preschool after Labor Day. Ivie gets to hang out with me (which she prefers anyway) and is making great progress with her communication and gross motor skills. Scott is doing well too. His job is keeping him very busy, but he is still doing a great job.

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Fast Week
The weeks are flying by as I count down to the beginning of my second year of law school. This time last year I was "excited" and "looking forward to" beginning my career in law. This year reality and my first year of school has made me a realist, cynical, and leery of a law school education. I am not "excited" or "looking forward to" my second year. In fact, quite the contrary: I'm burned out and drained and the semester has not even started yet. I'm holding on to my last few weeks of my much-needed and much-too-short break. Once I get back into the swing of reading and briefing, I'm sure I'll be just fine.
The kids and I have been thoroughly enjoying our summer. I probably won't get another opportunity like this to hang out with them during the summer. We've had a special time. This week Scott went out of town for training. Wednesday evening, a friend of mine from OU, her husband and three kids came over for tacos and Wii "Just Dance". We had a really good time.
Thursday I took the kids to the Columbus Zoo; so much fun!
Gotta wonder what Ivie is thinking and what that gorilla is thinking.

Aida and Jackson looking up at the polar bear tank. The polar bears were swimming above us.
Today, Scott and I worked in the yard. He taught me how to use the new tractor. He acted like this was a friendly gesture to bring me into his world and let me play with his toy, but I see it for what it is: It was I-am-not-always-going-to-mow-this-big-ass-lawn-myself-so-Megan-needs-to-learn-so-she-can-mow-too gesture. Just saying.
The kids and I have been thoroughly enjoying our summer. I probably won't get another opportunity like this to hang out with them during the summer. We've had a special time. This week Scott went out of town for training. Wednesday evening, a friend of mine from OU, her husband and three kids came over for tacos and Wii "Just Dance". We had a really good time.
Jackson, Albert Jr., and Tosha getting down to Wii Just Dance.
Thursday I took the kids to the Columbus Zoo; so much fun!
Gotta wonder what Ivie is thinking and what that gorilla is thinking.
Aida standing like a pink flamingo.
Aida and Jackson looking up at the polar bear tank. The polar bears were swimming above us.
Jackson is playing football this fall. Which I have quickly realized involves A LOT of time. I'm not sure if I would have signed him up had I known. Oh well; we're in it now. At first, Jackson was very unsure and reluctant, but he now seems to be enjoying it. This week and next week is conditioning. Yes, conditioning. Coach Matt had the kids running suicides. Funny. Watching Jackson run suicides brought back horrible memories of running those painful things over and over again in basketball and softball. SOOOOOOOOO glad those days are over for me. For Jackson, they've just begun. Today he received his pad and helmet. He is a happy little boy. He chose number 27 in honor of his Uncle Marc who played football at Ohio University.
Another great weekend.
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