Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Construction has begun!

We drove by yesterday and construction has officially begun! The tractors are in place, a small hole was dug and a few stakes were put in place. Jackson didn't quite understand that the house would take a while to be completed. He said "Where is our house?"

Besides the house, the Weidners are enjoying a relaxing week. Scott's hours at work have gone back to "normal" and I have time to hang out with the kids and Scott. I even baked cookies and homemade Reese peanut butter cups last week and Grandma Rock's spaghetti sauce last night. In fact, I helped Scott with dinner too (we had Gyros). And yes this is Megan Leigh Rock speaking. I will say that making the cookies last week, my first batch of sugar cookies I forgot a stick and a half of butter. And my dad informed me today that I forgot a whole can of tomato puree for the sauce. Sooooooo....I may not be the best cook, but I do try.

I lost the charger to my camera, so I had to take pictures of the house with the camcorder, so they might be a little fuzzy. I also wanted to show the kids wearing their matching Nike suits courtesy of Mimi and Grandpa Weidner. The lighting is really bad since the camcorder doesn't have a flash.


  1. holy moley, how exciting!! What possessed you all to build? I am always looking at the housing market in Columbus (my friends there would be thrilled if I took the leap) and I know there are lots of things for sale and that prices keep dropping. I would imagine building a new house would be awesome--everything exactly where YOU want it!

    Can't wait to see all the progress! Congratulations, Weidner's!

  2. Pam, you're right the housing market here is such a buyer's market. We looked at home after home, all at good prices, but just couldn't find what we wanted. Our realtor mentioned the idea of building and Scott was immediately hooked. It's been an interesting process so far, but I think it will be wonderful when it is all done. So moving to Columbus is an option for you????
