Sunday, August 18, 2013

Football, A Hysterectomy, and a 40th Birthday Party

Summer is ending.  (Sad face). We have had a fabulous summer.  Summer 2013 went a little something like this:

Baseball. T-ball. Ocean City. Babysitters. St. Louis. Swimming. St. Louis again. Grandparents. Friends. Staying up late. Sleeping in. Mama home for a month.

Pretty good stuff.

Jackson starts 3rd grade next week and Aida starts kindergarten.  KINDERGARTEN ------ enter stage left tears.  Oh my goodness.  I can't believe my spunky, girly, smart, beautiful, little baby girl Aida is starting school.  It is so hard to believe it has been six years since she was born on Scott and I's first wedding anniversary. She is so excited to start kindergarten.

After a relaxing summer, our fall is about to get crazy! Jackson started pee wee football three weeks ago, Aida starts soccer next week, and both Aida and Ivie start dance in two weeks. Zone defense will be in full press mode as Scott and I try to get each kid to their respective activities.  It is so exciting though!  Jackson LOVES football and Aida is so excited to play soccer again.  Ivie, well, she has promised that she will talk to her dance teachers.

I've been home the past three weeks recovering from a hysterectomy. Yep, tubes, cervix and uterus gone.  HAPPY. DANCE. Yes I am only 32, but clearly the Ws don't need any more children, and the pain was too much.  So, it's done!  The first week post surgery sucked.  SUCKED. But I am feeling better each day.

Two weeks post surgery we traveled with the kids to St. Louis to celebrate the 40th birthday of Scott's really good friend Frankie (Scott's only friend that came to our 26-person wedding reception/ceremony).  We. Had. A. Blast.  We had three fun days spent with some of the best people I've had the pleasure of meeting. A saturday night filled with Michael Bolton songs being sung by about 15 drunk people between the ages of 32 and 70, around a homemade outdoor pool, a clear night, a beautiful home and a meteor shower.  Fun.

It was ten years ago exactly that I invited myself to Frank's 30th birthday party as I obsessed over Scott.  It was ten years ago that I first met all of these fabulous people and had an equally great time.  Ten years later, I again invited myself as Scott thought he was going to have a bachelor weekend in STL...hahaha! No way brother.  Too much fun.

So as I go back to work and the kids go back to school, I feel ready for the next chapter having ended a pretty awesome chapter: Summer 2013.