Realtor No More
I mentioned in an earlier post that we were having problems with our realtor. After several months of unanswered questions and an absent realtor, Scott told her that we no longer needed her services. I completely fault her for being careless in her job and not Ryan Homes. Every question we asked, she would pawn us off onto either her husband the builder or the mortgage broker. All the upgrades we received, we asked for and negotiated. After we signed the contract we didn't her from her for 6 weeks! When Scott confronted her last night about her poor performance as a realtor she said "you guys kept putting me in the middle". Really??? She's a realtor, she is supposed to be the middleman between her clients and the seller, i.e. the builder. Apparently she didn't get this memo and/or dozed off during this portion of her real estate class. Either way, to put it in the simplest words: She sucked! And we feel much better with her out of the picture. We are not nervous about being sans a realtor, because we have done pretty much everything ourselves. She also stated, when Scott criticized her for not doing anything, that she "got us a great house for a great price"...ahhhh...no. We are paying fair market value for a new build. No great deal there. Anyway, enough ranting about our ex-realtor.
Instead, good news: The builders have started framing! Here are some pictures from yesterday morning as the framers were beginning their day. By the end of the day, they had the garage up. Scott questioned the wood being out in the elements. We are assuming that this is ok. Anyone know? We are now about a week ahead of schedule. If the weather continues to cooperate, we should close around March 12th.
High School Basketball:
Friday the Weidner broad drove up to northeast Ohio to attend Antoine's basketball game. We had a lot of fun cheering on Uncle A.
Saturday morning breakfast.The recliner from Grandpa Rock. It's been a BIG hit with the kids. Jackson was kind enough to allow Ivie to hang out during the commercial.
So, is it really happening? Has the college football season come to an end? Are the bowl games finally over after tonight? I feel like there is BCS college football exec out there hurriedly trying to come up with just one more bowl game, just to prolong the agony...oh I mean excitement for just one more week. Something like the Snow Belt Bowl or the Interstate 77 Bowl (this bowl would certainly get some small MAC team to play an SEC team). In reference to the NFL, Scott said this weekend, "It's a sad moment in the season when you can count the number of games left. There are 11." Sad? I can only imagine the kind of sadness he is feeling with the number of college games at 1. Scott and his dad will now have to find something else to talk about: Maybe their wives or the kids (love ya Don!). Me, I'm happy! My love of football will be rejuvenated in the off season. I promise.
So those are my Monday rants!
Until today, Scott would say every weekend "This is the saddest moment of the weekend" as Directv flashed a message indicating that the programming had ended for the weekend. I honestly could feel Scott's pain: End of the weekend, end of leisure, end of 10 channels of every NFL game, and back to work. Today, however, I did a silent jig. Instead of empathizing with Scott that his weekend was over, I thought to myself, "Thank God." I can only take so much football, so much betting, and so much of him and Jackson acting like old college buddies discussing the quarterback, coaches, and moronic plays by the safety (yes, Jackson is a mini Scott, football loving, betting male in the making...I've already lost this battle ladies). So the NFL Sunday Ticket comes to an end and there are only a few more bowl games left: I just might get my husband back for a few conversations before I get consumed with school again.
So my moment of sadness: Ivie has officially been evicted from our room. This is big. For more than a year, she has been with me every night (including pregnancy). Every squeak, whimper, moan, or turn in her bed, I was there to come to her rescue (I know I'm being dramatic, but this is my LAST baby). Instead of me helping her, I have put her in the care of her big brother and sister. At this time, until we move, they are all packed into the same room. This means, when one wakes up, they all wake up. But it also means that Ivie will be protected by her older siblings. I like to think that they are qualified babysitters, but after Aida "watched" Ivie this weekend, only to find Ivie face planted on the floor and Aida piecing together stories while she watched Yo Gabba Gabba, I question the ability of Ivie's older siblings to care for her. I know Ivie will be fine. It's not like I'm sending her off to sleep in the back shed, but it's still a big step for me, as it has been with all my kids. Scott on the other hand, not silently, but rather openly and excitedly did a jig to have space back in our bedroom. I have already been in kids room twice this hour to check on Ivie and to make sure Aida isn't launching baby dolls at her from the top bunk.
Well I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break and a happy new year. I can only hope that 2011 will be half as fun, adventurous, and prosperous for the Weidners as 2010...